Introducing the American Survey: Unveiling Public Concerns and Attitudes Towards Generative AI

May 31, 2023

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of the human experience. However, as technology continues to advance, public concerns about the potential threats associated with AI are growing considerably. With data indicating a significant number of U.S. citizens expressing fears regarding the rise of AI, it is crucial that we strike a delicate balance between harnessing the potential of generative AI and addressing the legitimate concerns it raises.

It comes as no shock that generative AI holds immense potential to enhance our daily lives – it has the capacity to streamline and automate various tasks, freeing up valuable time for individuals and businesses alike. Despite this alluring promise, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has raised a cautionary flag regarding its widespread use.

According to Altman, generative AI has the potential to go “quite wrong.” His concern stems from the realization that as AI systems become more sophisticated, they may exhibit behaviors that could be harmful to individuals or society.

Altman’s warning prompted us to survey 47,000 U.S. citizens about their attitudes toward the widespread deployment of generative AI. Our results provide insight into the growing apprehensions held by a significant portion of the U.S. population regarding the rise of AI:


    • 28% believe AI will have unintended consequences that could harm individuals or society
    • 17% would be willing to use AI-powered products if they were shown to be beneficial despite their concerns
    • 7% fear that AI will threaten their job security

The American Survey employs a combination of online surveys, data analytics, and machine learning techniques to streamline the data collection process, allowing us to gather consumer sentiment data from an extensive pool of over 10,000 individuals within 2-3 days. Our rapid data collection process enables us to capture immediate public reactions to various events, news, releases, trends, etc. To learn more about our data collection methods, visit:

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